I have officially been a work at home mom for about a year and a half.  I feel so grateful for this journey and the opportunities that have come my way in this past year.  However, as my success has grown, my peace has lessened.

I have prayed over recent months that God would show me how to reduce the daily anxiety and stress.  See, one interesting thing about a work at home mom is this…it usually means you are also a stay at home mom.

I have loved being a stay at home mom and all that comes with it.  Yes, it is overwhelming some days, and there is no lunch breaks or sick days like a traditional 9-5. At the same time it is truly the most fulfilling work I have ever done. I know God called me to do that for a season and now the season has changed.

I love this blog and know it is something God provided for my family. It can also be an area of stress.

As my blog grew, my priorities for it became more and more out of balance.  Even though I was able to make a lot of money blogging, I would lay down at night with very little peace.

So, I prayed for help and would talk to other working mom’s and work at home mom’s to get guidance about what to do. Many times, however, I didn’t find anyone who felt they were sharing similar struggles.

One day, I was listening to a podcast and it said that if you aren’t happy with the way your life is going, if you are having daily regrets than CHANGE IT! List your priorities and make your life over.

First, I listed my priorities in order based on the time I spent on each category, When I compared this to my current goals, I was shocked.

The priorities were listed in this order:

1. Blog

2. Kids

3. Marriage

4. Friends

5. God

6. Housework

7. Self Care


This was eye opening, but life changing.  Even if I wanted to say they were different, the way I used time suggested this was my order of priorities.

I then rearranged the priorities to what I wanted them to be:

1. God

2. Marriage

3. Kids

4. Housework

5. Self Care

6. Friends

7. Blog


I use a daily calendar for work. This helps me be as productive as possible. I started to add in my other personal categories and designate time to those things.

See, the problem was the blog had designated time every day and in my head, I felt the other priorities would still get done. Since those other priorities were important, I needed it on the calendar.

The first thing that went on the calendar each day was my time slot with God for devotions.  I also put time in the evening to put my phone/ computer down and connect with my husband and nights off to not work at all.  I added time to be intentional with my children and play or connect with them in some way.

Then, time to straighten-up the house and I would leave whatever couldn’t get done in that block of time.

I have been horrible with self care. I realize that having some time to care for myself changes everything about how I parent, work, and what kind of wife I am.  So, daily I am doing something for me.  Many times this is a small, not very time consuming activity, like watching a show I wanted to catch up on, listening to a pod cast, or taking a short nap.  This has been life changing.

I would add time to reach out to a few friends and be intentional in growing my friendships, this would usually be a few minutes and consisted of texting people to check in.

Lastly, I would add the blog.  Work is the least important aspect of my life, but I also know it’s something God has called me to do and is still a priority.  He has called me to do these other things first and more importantly.

The sense of peace I have experienced from ordering my days this way is mind blowing.  I feel I am in His will and the categories of my life are where He wants them to be and He’s given me peace in exchange.

I still work a good amount each day, but everything else isn’t falling through the cracks anymore.  Now, I feel I am truly living my best life.

We juggle many categories as women and we try to do way to much in a 24 hour period. My life was totally out of balance and I didn’t even realize how messed up my priorities had come.  I’m so grateful when I asked God for help, He showed me how easily it is to change the things about your life you don’t like.

So, if you feel like your priorities are out of wack, or your day runs off without you…take back your day. Re-structure it in a way that will give you more peace and joy while still being productive.  Some days I totally fall off of this, but I’m striving like never before to turn this life to one that pleases GOD more than myself and I hope you’ll do the same.  We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus! (Romans 8:37) You’ve got this!

Go get your peace, it’s right around the corner.


* If you enjoyed this post, I would greatly appreciate it if you could share it on Facebook or Pinterest.  Thank You!!

For more on blogging and having success as a work at home mom, check out: “How I had success in my first year of blogging.”


balance as a work at home mom



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I love how you added in time to reach out to friends and grow your relationships. That’s definitely something I need to work on.


Hope you can start to incorporate it too! Thank You!


Sounds like you did what many people have experienced from working at home. Wonderful you found the balance to still work at home and be a wife, mom, cook, housekeeper, laundry and all the other things we do.


Yes, it’s hard but I’m starting to get a handle on it!


Priorities are so important, and I love the way you listed how your current actions and activities reflected your priorities and then rearranged them to be in the right order. It’s so hard to do that honestly sometimes! Good for you, lady.


It was soo hard but so worth it!!


Your words really hit home with me! I became a stay at home mom this summer and have been struggling with this as well. It is time I write out my priorities and plan my day accordingly!


That’s awesome! I’m so glad!


As I read this it was like you were reading a page from my own book! You are speaking to the heart of a stay at home mom who’s also had her priorities messed up. Balance is key and I am so happy you found some! Love your tips. They are what I have also applied to my life for peace and happiness!


LOL! I’m so glad you can relate! I hope it gets better for you too!


That was a beautiful message and this is something that I struggle with too. I am so glad that you found peace, and it is helpful to me to think about my priorities too!! Thank you for the great article. Have a wonderful day! 🙂


Thank you!! I hope you find the same!!


Oh wow! That is really surprising! If I have to do the same exercise, mine would probably look exactly as yours! This is such a great eye-opener!

Belle | One Awesome Momma


It totally was! I’m so glad!


I love this, I really need to do this as well <3 thanks for sharing.


I’m so glad!


Oh wow this is an awesome organization. I have been blogging for awhile now, and every now and then I still get an organized due to so much going. I work full time, and I also have kids. One day I want to be able to just work at home as well. I am gonna try to do this list you have, it might change my life. Thank you for this awesome post.


Aww I am so glad! Yea it’s really for any mom!! Just changing our priorities around to live a better life!


Good for you! It’s so important to know your priorities. It’s great that you make some time for yourself. If mommy isn’t happy, no one is!


So very true! Self Care is a must!


Yes! I love this. Thanks for touching on this. My husband and I have been saying we need to sit down and figure out how to get our priorities in order.


You totally can! Good luck!


This is so true! I need to make god my first priority again.


I’m sure you will!


Love this post. I feel the same way. I hate going to bed with regrets about what I did during the day. I love the idea of putting the “other” things into the calendar as well as blogging stuff.


Yes, I totally was having that feeling and now there are way less regrets.


Great suggestions – I love your idea of putting your priorities on the calendar to make sure you’re getting the most important things done first. That’s a great way to help you focus on what’s most valuable to you.


Yes, the calendar has made a big difference in taking my time back.


Great post! That’s definitely an eye opening way to see how we are spending our time. Thanks for the tip!


For sure! I’m glad you enjoyed it!


I really REALLY like how you compared the two lists. This is a great exercise for me, personally, and for many friends I know who are stressed out due to priorities being out of whack. It’s hard to look at yourself and really be honest with what your prioritizing, so thank YOU for sharing and inspiring!

Lauren Johnson


Yes I’m so glad you enjoyed this!


Very eye opening! Since starting my blog I have been consumed! GOOD ideas. Thank you.


I totally relate! Thank you!


That is a wonderful order to put your priorities in. It also helps me realize I need to make sure I’m doing the same thing!


Oh, I’m so glad! Yes it’s so easy to do!


Love this candid post! You’re rocking it mama <3


Thanks so much girl!


finding balance is so hard, I love that you put God first


Thank you so much!


I love this idea. I find it hard to not feel overwhelmed when I’m trying to do too many things at once. I really need to reassess my priorities!


Awesome! Hope you can soon!


Praise the lord for this post. I so needed it. With a newborn at home trying to manage my blog, housework, and sleeping – just has me running around like crazy. It’s good to be reminded to focus on the most important things first. Glad to know I’m not alone.


I’m so glad!! I totally understand!


For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a work from home mom. Sounds like you’ve got everything organized well and enjoy what you’re doing. That is so important.


I’m trying.. lol


Yes! This is so true. We tend to get burnt out before we take care of ourselves. Everything is important but if we don’t take care of ourselves we can’t do much of anything else.


Yes, and self care was not my priority.


I completely agree, I try to do WAY too many things at once and then the really important things fall through the cracks! Thank you for this reminder to rearrange my priorities and create a more balanced life, work and home environment!


Yes so incredibly true!


I definitely need to add personal categories into my planner as well! I just got a new planner and I hope it will help me to have everything in the same place.


Yes, it makes a difference!


I REALLY relate to this thread. I know my priorities and my time spent do not line up. I think I need to try this exercise and start making changes.

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