3 Things I’m Not Taking into the New Year

This year has felt so exhausting, challenging and frustrating. It has also been incredibly empowering, exciting and full of so many blessings. I’ve invested in my mental health more with weekly counseling, listening to some great books, reading my Bible more and being more vulnerable in my closest relationships. This year I have learned A … Continue Reading

When Trusting Others Feels Unsafe

The older I get, the harder it is for me to trust people. It’s hard to trust…really anyone in life. I have many experiences at this point in life telling me things like : It’s not safe…Don’t do it! Stay to yourself…Don’t let people in. Won’t this save you from hurt and pain? Many tears … Continue Reading

We Started a Podcast!! Here is Why..

So, a few months ago my sister and I started The Successful Sisters Podcast and, it has been so exciting to see it taking off and the feedback we have gotten from it, but I really wanted to share with you guys why we started this as I think that is the most important thing. … Continue Reading

5 ways to build a BETTER friendship with your husband

I talk to so many women that want their marriages to get better and are just in a season of struggling to love, or even like their spouse.  Whenever I fall into the same “space” I realize that it is usually our friendship that is lacking.  That is truly the basis for everything because, the … Continue Reading

Living within your means isn’t popular, but is the key to REAL wealth

Onlygirl4boyz shares the choices they have made to encourage you to live within your means and how they have created real wealth for their family of 5. Over the last few years, our personal finances have taken a major turn for the better. We have doubled our household income consistently for 5 years in a … Continue Reading

For the Mama Tired of Diet Culture

Recently, I wrote on Instagram about my feelings on being tired of diet culture and I realized how many people felt the same, felt frustrated with their bodies, social media, TV, and just exhausted by it all. I’m realizing how many toxic messages that women are taught every single day about their bodies, what makes … Continue Reading

Conversation starters for “Date Night”

When I am at restaurants with my hubby, I look around and am always amazed that the majority of couples look like they are sitting silently and eating with very little conversation. I think that with the craziness of life sometimes our marriages need a little bit of “help” with staying connected and having conversations … Continue Reading

The Importance of Having Mom Friendships

The hardest stage to keep close friendships is literally the one we all need it most. Mom friendships are important, while raising children for so many reasons. There are studies on the positive effects of these friendships on mental health. Friendships like these, help us find more joy during one of the most challenging seasons … Continue Reading

How I doubled my income every year as an Influencer

I’m always an open book about my journey over the last 4 (almost 5) years of being a social media influencer and blogger. It hasn’t been easy, but it’s been really rewarding. Since starting this business, I have doubled my income every year. Over the years, I’ve realized how rare it is to do this. … Continue Reading

During times of uncertainty, I rely on two things: my family + my faith

There’s so much happening on a daily basis I think I control that I do not. All of us have been affected from living in a pandemic for a while now—some more than others, of course—but all of us in ways big and small. We all want life to return to normal. But if protecting … Continue Reading