This post is sponsored by Baby Dove, but the opinions are my own” or something of that variation that clearly states the partnership.

Bed Time can be such an area of stress for many parents. We were no different until we realized what worked for getting our boys to bed.  Now we have a simple routine that has made bed time smooth and peaceful each evening.  Our youngest is 3, but we started this routine when he was around 6 months. It’s worked like a charm ever since.

We start the night off by running a nice warm bath.  This helps our little one begin to calm down and relax.  This is why bath nights are easier for us than nights we put them directly to bed.

We throw a few of his favorite toys in the tub, and give him a nice relaxing bath with Baby Dove. Baby Dove is perfect for the most sensitive or dry skin. Our son has very dry skin and we cannot miss a day without moisturizing him.

easy bedtime & bath routine

Baby Dove products provide our little guy with skin care that goes beyond mildness and restores essential moisture. Whether it’s the tear-free tip to toe wash during bath time, or the soothing lotion afterwards, baby dove gives us confidence we are providing the best care for his skin.

easy bedtime & bath routine

easy bedtime & bath routine


Baby Dove offers products that are hypoallergenic and made with fragrances designed specially for baby skin, every product provides gentle care and a delicate, comforting scent for your baby.  This is a perfect way to start our bedtime routine, and helps him get into a relaxing mood.



We then do a little massage as we apply his lotion for the night.  These Baby Dove products really help him relax.  After that, we proceed to get him dressed in a fresh night time diaper and some comfortable pajamas.

easy bedtime & bath routine

His favorite part is story time when he chooses a book from his bookshelf, a song to sing, and we end it with saying our prayers.

From start to finish, this routine only takes us about 20 minutes. It’s worked like a charm with all of our boys.  They thrive off of a routine, and knowing what to expect next.  This routine has helped make bedtime more peaceful, and less stressful.


If you would like to learn more about all the amazing benefits of Baby Dove then head to:

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This routine sounds so relaxing! Glad you found something that works for your family. Sounds like great products!


Baby Dove is perfect! Dove has just been en pointe lately with their stuff – so much goodness!


We use this lotion every night! Once we’re out of our current bodywash we’re totally stocking up on dove!


I need to try this!! Walker has such dry skin


Such a sweet post! We love Dove products too!


Thank you! Yes we do too!

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